Thank you for visiting the New Mexico Indian Affairs (NM IAD) Department funding portal.

The TIF application date deadline has been extended to 3/31/2025 at 5 p.m.

Tribal Infrastructure (2/7/2025 - 3/31/2025)
Projects funded under this program include, but not limited to water and wastewater systems, roads, and electrical power lines. This is a competitive funding resource available to all federally recognized tribes, nations, and pueblos within New Mexico.

New questions have been added. See below, under documents to download the TIF application questions.

If you didn't submit an application last year, you will need to create an account even if you had one from prior years before that. Click here to create your new account.

Click here to download the TIF Portal User Guide.
Click here to download the TIF application questions.

To add, edit, or download applications, click the MY APPLICATIONS link at the top of the screen.